Do you want to know what are the benefits of omega3?

the benefits of omega 3

    Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most necessary nutrients, and humans can get them through foods and nutritional supplements, because the body is unable make them on its own.

What is omega 3?

   Omega-3 is a fatty acid found in abundance in fish, and it's the substance that is responsible for the production of many other substances that maintain the balance of many important and vital processes within the body, such as:

  • Blood pressure. 
  • Body temperature. 
  • Infections. 
  • The pain. 
  • Blood clotting. 
  • Allergy. 

Omega 3 supplement

     Omega-3 is also one amongst the vital supplements for kids and infants, due to the necessary role it plays in the appropriate development of the brain from the embryonic stage within the womb, and it has an equally necessary role in kids with learning difficulties, concentration disorders, and even behavioural disorders

What are the Benefits of Omega 3?

Some of the most important benefits of omega-3s include the following:

1. Promote heart health

Several researches have proven that increased consumption of fish oil, which is one of the sources of omega-3, may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of heart failure, and may lead to lowering of death rate.

Heart health

It also positively affects the endothelial function, reducing the risk of developing ventricular fibrillation.

2. Reduce triglyceride levels

Omega-3 protects against atherosclerosis, because it reduces the amounts of triglycerides, and treatment with a dose of 3 to 4 grams of fish oil per day has been shown to reduce triglyceride levels by an average of 30%.

3. Decrease the risk of premature births

Research has shown that pregnant women who were at risk of preterm labor and treated with a dose of 2.7 grams of fish oil per day experienced less preterm labor.

It should also be noted that a lack of omega-3 consumption during pregnancy causes a deficiency of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in pregnant women, which may increase the risk of postpartum depression.

4. Participate in the fight against depression

Lots of studies have shown that there is a relationship between omega-3 consumption and depression. It has been shown that:


As the consumption of fish and fish products increases , the incidence of depression is decreases.
The higher the consumption of the omega-3 fatty acids, the lower the incidence of behavioural disorders and postpartum depression in women.

5. Help treat infections

The effectiveness of omega-3 fatty acids has been proven in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, as several studies have indicated that omega-3 plays a primary role in some cases of inflammation, as it participates in the following:

Reduction of symptoms of infections in the lung, such as: asthma.
patients with arthritis conditions are improved.
Prevention of the production of inflammatory compounds, and reducing symptoms of arthritis, pain and morning stiffness.

6. Promote brain health

Providing the body with enough omega-3 regularly is important for maintaining and protecting the brain throughout life, as well as reducing the decline and reduction of intellectual and cognitive abilities with age, as the omega-3 level in brain cells begins to decline with age, that leads to an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, it is therefore recommended to be added to the diet for its health importance.

Brain health

What are Omega 3 Sources?

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in many foods, including the following:    

  1. Fish, especially salmon, tuna, and sardines. 
  2. Vegetable oils, like: soybean oil and flaxseed oil. 
  3. Fortified foods, such as: milk, yogurt, juices, and some types of eggs. 
Omega 3 in fish oil

The concentration of acids in fish can be affected by a number of factors such as:
  • The quality of its food. 
  • The area of ​​its growth and life, such as: fish farming facilities, or its natural environment such as seas and rivers. 
  • The part that is eaten from the body of the fish. 
  • Fishing season. 

What are the Dangers of omega 3 deficiency?

Omega-3 deficiency causes many problems, as follows:

  • Problems with hair, nails, and skin. 
  • Feeling tired, and trouble sleeping. 
  • Lack of focus and attention. 
  • Joint pain, cramping feet. 
  • Menstrual disorders in women

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