Health Benefits of Apples

Benefits of Apples

    The old saying "to eat an apple going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread" has been justified by its many health-rich properties.

     Fossil remains have shown that apples were gathered and stored 5,000 years ago and it's likely that they were already cultivated during the Neolithic times. 
   Apples are excellent detoxifiers and apple juice can destroy viruses in the body.

   In one recent study, Riu Hai Liu of Cornell University, has found although apples has only a small amount of vitamin C, eating 100g of apple provides the same amount of antioxidant activity as consuming  1,500mg of the same vitamin.

  Just be carful  not to take too many apple seeds because it might be toxic if taken in a large amount.

Benefits of Apples

Benefits of Apples

  • Apple cleans teeth and strengthens gum
  • Will make the cholesterol level lower
  • Can detoxify the body.
  • Has  antiviral properties
  • Apple can prevent constipation because it helps the digestion
  • One large apple supplies almost 30% of minimum amount of fiber that should be consumed daily.
Benefits of Apples

The Use

  • For people who suffer from gout and rheumatism, eat apple regularly because it will aid healing
  • Eating 2 apples a day will reduce your cholesterol level up to 10 %
  • Drinking an apple juice, 3 times a day, is said to prevent virus from settling in the body.
  • Another benefit of apple is for those who have problem with their stomach. If you have problem with indigestion, eat apples before meals.
  • When mixed with live yoghurt, grated apple can be helpful in cases of diarrhea.

Benefits of Apples


  • Do not buy apples that have not been kept cold since they may be over-ripe in a few days.
  • Apples should be hard. If you can dint an apple with your hand, do not buy it.
  • Keep your apples refrigerated. If not, it will decay fast.
  • To prevent browning, rub the cut surfaces with a mixture of lemon juice and water.
  • Canadian researchers analyzing eight popular varieties found that the old standby, Red Delicious, and an apple called Northern Spy contain more disease-fighting antioxidants in their skin and flesh than any other studied. In English this means red apples are better than other apples.